Raul Huerta - Web site and Portfolio

going from useful to simply awesome

Hello there, my name its Raul Huerta and I love to design and develop products and services that are intuitive, useful and simply awesome.

My designs will always aim to engage the user in an experience that will satisfy on every level. My implementations will fully convey that vision in a fully functional way. Having knowledge in both design (UX, IxD, IT) and development (CS and Engineering Major) my solutions will always provide realistic design, backed up by valid research, early testing and prototypes totally compatible and optimized for current technologies and standards, from front (GUI development) to back (Programming, Data interchange and management). I have obtained a great deal of experience doing academic research with human subjects on the Visualization areas, focusing mostly on Virtual Environments and Videogames experimentation. All above means: Research, Wireframes, Database Design, Optimized Data Queries and fully functional Prototypes that can be imported directly to production.

Apart from that I’m a Videogame Designer by heart, and I enjoy creating fun experiences and compelling worlds. Particularly I have a great deal of knowledge on Immersion, Flow and Narrative and some practice on conceptual and prototype testing and level design and scripting.

Last update: New Portfolio item: Project: Boids + Kinect